How to operate a high-power sawing machine?
TIME:2024-08-19 16:15

Sawing machines are suitable for processing factories, tool factories, mold factories to saw carbon steel, stainless steel, copper aluminum materials, and other non-metallic materials, and can perform sawing from any viewpoint. Simple operation, high cost-effectiveness, low power loss, small sawing seam, material saving, and high economic benefits.

The above content is the basic knowledge of band sawing machines that we are all familiar with. Today, the editor has prepared some tips for operating band sawing machines. Using these tips can help you operate band sawing machines with higher power. Let's take a look at the specific content together!

1. Install a grating ruler on the original general sawing machine for azimuth measurement, while keeping the original liquid pressure system unchanged.

3. In order to meet the requirements of not changing the original hydraulic system at the same time, the system has added a directional control module based on general solenoid valves. According to the differences in sawing materials and saw blade functions, the speed and sawing speed of the saw blade can be automatically adjusted in real time. For example, when the bending of the saw blade reaches a certain valve range value of the system, the system will decrease its speed adaptively or close the feed. This requires significant modifications to the foundation of the original general band sawing machine, such as changing the original hydraulic unit and adding a saw blade bending monitor.

2. Design of security functions for the control system software, including bin and storage management retrieval, saw piece classification management, saw blade bending monitoring, material compression, adaptive control of saw blade speed, and saw cutting feed rate.

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